Departure from Surabaya - East Java - Indonesia
destination | 20 ft. container | 40 ft. containers |
Antwerp | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
Barcelona | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
Valencia | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
Hamburg | USD 1700 | USD 2900 |
Genoa | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
Le Havre | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
Rotterdam | USD 1650 | USD 2900 |
New York | USD 2850 | USD 3750 |
Miami | USD 2850 | USD 3750 |
Los Angeles | USD 2150 | USD 2750 |
Oakland | USD 2150 | USD 2750 |
Local charges are the Cargo services to be paid in the exporting Country (in this case Indonesia). Ocean-freight may be either pre-paid (paid at the source [Indonesia] ) or collect (paid upon arrival at destination). Local charges for a pre-paid container include:
Extra charges for a collect container:
Also, there are packing charges (boxes,wooden crates) and fumigation is required to prevent mold and insure safe trading world wide.
All data on this page is purely informative and may be subject to unpublished changes.Prices are approximate and we decline responsability for any errors.Please, contact us for a complete and accurate estimate.